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Many clients ask us whether they should sterilise their pets, and what the pros & cons are. ‘Sterilising’ and ‘Neutering’ are terms used for the surgical removal of reproductive organs of male & female animals.


There are numerous advantages of sterilising your pets. Most importantly, it prevents unwanted litters! For females, it also prevents pyometra (a life-threatening infection of the uterus) as well as reduces the risk of developing mammary tumours & cystitis. Female sterilisation also prevents unsterilised males from wandering onto your property as well as hormonal imbalances which can be linked to diabetes & skin conditions. For males, desexing is recommended to prevent testicular tumours and reduce the risk of developing prostatic and anal sack tumours. In addition, there are behavioural advantages to sterilising a male. Aggressive behaviour is less likely to evolve, territorial behaviour is reduced, it prevents “spraying” (an act of territory marking in cats), and males are less likely to roam if they are sterilised as it reduces the libido. Desexed pets also attract a discount with the shire when registering.


Of course, there are disadvantages to sterilisation. In rare cases, females can develop urinary incontinence due to the reduction in hormones, but weight control and a good quality diet can reduce the incidence of occurrence.  The only other disadvantage to sterilising your pet is the drop in metabolic rate, which means that less food is required to maintain the same body weight. For this reason, it is recommended that you slightly reduce a sterilised pet's food intake.

Frequently asked questions

What animals do you sterilise?                         We sterilise male and female dogs and cats, as well as male rabbits


What age should they be sterilised?                From 6 Months old.


Do you sterilise females on heat?                    We don't believe it is worth the risk to sterilise a female in heat, and for that reason we     

                                                                                    sterilise them 6 weeks after their heat finishes.


What is the procedure?                                        A surgical procedure carried out under a General Anaesthetic.

How long will it take them to recover?           Most pets are fully recovered in 3 days however some may take a little longer.

Are there sutures?                                                Yes (except for male cat sterilisation). Sutures need to be removed within 10-14 days after

                                                                                    the surgery by a Veterinarian or Veterinary Nurse.

What does the cost include?                              General check-over, the surgical procedure, hospitalisation, pain relief, antibiotic injection,

                                                                                    nail clip, sterilisation certificate, post-op care information & suture removal.



For any further information, or to book in your pet for a procedure, please call us on 9275 3021.

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